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03/28/2024 05:15:29 PM


Rabbi Rachel Blatt

We often think of Passover as a family holiday.  We gather with our families, maybe some close friends.  We sit around our tables where we tell the story of the Exodus, share a meal, and drink the four cups of wine or grape juice.  We create memories that will be recalled when families join together in decades to follow.  This isn’t at all new in the Jewish community.  In fact, we are told directly in the Torah that...Read more...

03/19/2024 08:44:58 PM


Sisterhood President, Sharon Cross

After many months of study and learning with Ethel Pila and Rabbi Blatt, I had the wonderful opportunity of becoming an Adult Bat Mitzvah! This was something I had thought about doing many times, each time one of my kids had a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. But I never did it. This time, I DID IT!

For our event, we all had an opportunity to give a D’var Torah. On Friday night, I presented a...Read more...

03/14/2024 10:23:49 AM


Kevin Cross, President

Shalom, Kol Ami! We are two weeks into March, and we have a lot to cover. At the Annual Congregational Meeting, we filled all the open positions for the Board of Trustees, with a mix of experienced board officers and fresh new members to help guide the synagogue into the future. Join us for our Installation Shabbat Dinner on May 3rd.

What’s a hamantaschen’s...

03/07/2024 09:54:55 AM


Jennifer Halls, Education Director

Shalom, Kol Ami!

In Shushan, far far away, the Megillah, you will read! Adar means only one thing!  Be happy and have fun!  Purim is coming to a shul near you (Kol Ami)! We have a Star Wars themed Purim this year and hope you will attend some or ALL of the events that we have planned! Be sure to check out the website to pre-order your tickets and wristbands. A carnival...Read more...

02/19/2024 12:20:06 PM


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Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784