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03/14/2024 10:23:49 AM


Kevin Cross, President

Shalom, Kol Ami! We are two weeks into March, and we have a lot to cover. At the Annual Congregational Meeting, we filled all the open positions for the Board of Trustees, with a mix of experienced board officers and fresh new members to help guide the synagogue into the future. Join us for our Installation Shabbat Dinner on May 3rd.

What’s a hamantaschen’s favorite song? “I’m Filling Good!”  

Purim jokes already? Yes, Purim begins next week!  Our Star-Wars-themed Purim festivities begin at 8:00 PM on March 23rd with our Megillah Reading and Afterparty, followed up on Sunday the 24th with our Purim Shpiel, Family Megillah Reading and Carnival all beginning at 10:00 AM. You can pre-order tickets on the website I hope to see you all there.

On March 29th-30th, we celebrate our Rabbi Joel Wasser Memorial Scholar in Residence Weekend, sponsored by the Kol Ami Brotherhood and Sisterhood. This year, our Chairperson, Cindy Schiff, was able to bring in a very special guest, Rabbi Ethan Tucker, the President and Rosh Yeshiva at Hadar Institute, to guide us in discussion over the weekend. We look forward to a fascinating weekend of discussion and learning. Please visit our website to register or sign up as a sponsor.

B’ Shalom,

Kevin Cross

Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784