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11/21/2023 02:35:49 PM


Rabbi Rachel Blatt

When I was younger, my mother read to me (or we watched together) the story of Molly’s Pilgrim by Barbara Cohen.  In the story, Molly, a new Russian immigrant to America, is having a hard time at school.  Classmates make fun of her for the way she talks, the way she dresses, and what she eats for lunch at school, none of it like her American classmates.  As they study Thanksgiving in class, she is given the assignment to make...Read more...

11/15/2023 10:10:01 AM


Sharon Cross, Sisterhood President


That eating holiday is on its way, Thanksgiving! I think we have all forgotten the meaning of this holiday and instead concentrate on the food eating and preparations. The idea of sharing a meal with friends and family is part of what I think of as my “Jewish Heritage.” For me, every holiday means food preparation and eating. But it seems that each year the preparations...Read more...

11/08/2023 09:39:09 PM


Kevin Cross, President

I read a quote from the Anti-Defamation League Director and CEO Jonathan Greenblatt this weekend, stating that there has been a 388 percent increase in antisemitism since the October 7th Hamas attacks in Israel, which resulted in over 1,400 killings. This comes after an increase of 36 percent in 2022. Over the past few years, I have been reading articles about increasing incidents of antisemitism not only around the...Read more...

11/01/2023 11:45:04 AM


Jennifer Halls, Education Director

Shalom, Kol Ami!

With all that is happening in our world today, I am so glad I have my Kol Ami family!  I have relied on Rabbi Blatt, Mitch Weiss, and the entire staff to help me cope and understand the role that I play in these tragic circumstances.  I have been listening to the news and reading all the stories on social media, but what really hit home for me was the...Read more...

Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784