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KA CC Archive Feb 2023

02/02/2023 10:30:30 AM


Jennifer Halls, Education Director

Shalom Kol Ami!

Is it Spring yet?  Not yet, but we can start to plan for Spring.  I love being Jewish and one of the wonderful things about Judaism is that many of our holidays follow the agricultural seasons.  This month we will be celebrating Tu BiShvat, Jewish Earth Day, as it is sometimes referred to. I love this holiday and can’t wait to head to the park to experience nature with my Kol Ami family!

Thank you to Mx. MK and Ms. Lauren for leading our Challah Braiding and Baking chug activity last month.  Our kiddos had a blast, and the challah tasted amazing! Todah, the Shabbat Sloth, was a hit for our families with young children in January. (Rabbi Blatt was pretty good too!) We continue to have a fantastic turnout and look forward to this month’s Pizza and Pj Shabbat on February 24th!  We hope you can join us in your Pjs for some eating, praying, and tons of fun!

We are looking forward to all the events this month!  We hope you join us for our Outdoor Shabbat Service on Saturday morning, February 4 at 10am.  Bring your coffee and a chair, and pray in the open air!  Shabbat School will meet too!  Then, on Sunday, we will head over to Lettuce Lake Park for a Tu BiShvat experience led by Rabbi Blatt and me!  This is open to the entire congregation, so we hope to see many of our congregants celebrate with us! Click here for details:

Our 3rd-5th graders will be leading us in Friday night services on February 10th led by their teachers Ms. Beth and Ms. Alissa.  It is always special to see our kinderlach (children) leading us in prayer!  We will also have our monthly In-Person Wednesday on February 8th to practice for our service!  Make sure to mark you calendars for these special events!

Along with the Super Bowl, February also means it’s time for our World Wide Wrap Program with our Brotherhood.  We look forward to participating in this event led by Ron Pross and Rabbi Blatt.  We hope you can all join us when we learn about the mitzvah of laying Tefillin on Sunday morning, February 12. 

And last but not least, we have our next Beginyan (Junior Congregation) for our 2nd-5th grade students on February 25 led by Ms. Alissa!  We hope to see many of our students come for some, learning, debating, and lots of fun! 

Next month, we will be in full Purim mode!  We always need volunteers for our Hamantaschen baking with Sisterhood, so check your email for date and times!  Thank you to Sharon Cross and Sisterhood for organizing.  Please feel free to donate items needed to make this event a success. Click here to see the needed items to donate:

Please check out the Kol Ami website and calendar for all the fun programming we have for all ages!

See you around the Shul,

Jennifer Halls


Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784