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12/10/2023 11:18:29 AM


Jennifer Halls, Education Director

Shalom, Kol Ami!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Chanukah!  It is hard to feel like celebrating when we are still watching the events in Israel, knowing that we still have many hostages waiting to come home.  The situation has me feeling torn about celebrating anything. As Jews, we have been fighting for our right to exist for as long as we have been around, and we are still here! I think that is what Chanukah can bring to light, that we are survivors. We should celebrate our existence!

Last month, we only had one Sunday that Religious School met, but we had a blast!  Our All-School Shabbat and Potluck Dinner was also a success.  We really enjoyed having our students on the bimah and our families participating in our Family Shabbat! We also had a nice turn out volunteering at Metropolitan Ministries Holiday Tent.  Thank you to Michelle Winarsky for setting up this Social Action project.  It always feels good to help those in need around the holiday times.

We have so much planned for this Chanukah season.  First up, we will have our Pizza and PJ Shabbat with Todah, the Chanukah Sloth, and Rabbi Blatt on Friday night, December 8th, for our under-8 crowd and their families in the Chapel. We hope you will join us for our “Let it Glow” Chanukah Celebration on Sunday, December 10th.  Our Sisterhood has created a fun scavenger hunt, led by Karen Borden, for our kids and families with some great prizes for our winners!  We will also have dancing, glow-in-the-dark games, arts & crafts, trivia, and of course, Latkes!  Are you Team Sour Cream or Applesauce?  Don’t forget to register to participate in the Latke Cook-Off on Wednesday, December 13th.  Check out the website for rules if you plan on entering the contest or just come and be a taste tester; it is guaranteed to be a yummy time! And finally, we have our Family Shabbat and Potluck Dinner on Friday, December 15th. So help us bring in Shabbat and the last night of Chanukah with your Kol Ami family.  Please check out the website for more information and to register for all these exciting events!

Miracles happen during Chanukah!  Let’s keep them coming, including bringing home ALL the hostages NOW. 

Happy Chanukah!

Am Israel Chai,
Jennifer Halls
Education Director


Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784