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School Schpiel August

SCHool SCHpiel By Jennifer Halls, Education Director

September,  2023


What an exciting first month at Kol Yeladim Religious School! Our teachers and staff came back to start the MAGIC this year, and they did not disappoint.  Our first day of religious school and our congregational Open House were so much fun!  Our students got the opportunity to meet their teachers and get to know their classmates, some they already know and some new friends to meet!  Our parents got to experience an enhanced “Schmear and Schmooze” for our Parent Informational Meeting and got to hang out with new and old friends to begin this MAGICAL year!

A huge shout-out to our School Board Chair, Shaina Shuford, and one of our new Youth Coordinators, Samantha Ruffkess, for planning and decorating our Open House. It was a wonderful first day back at Kol Ami.  I hope everyone was able to sign up for our Youth Groups, join our Sisterhood and Brotherhood, plan to help with our Social Action at Kol Ami, and of course, enjoy the fellowship of our warm and welcoming Shul!

This month, we have a lot going on both at Kol Yeladim and at Kol Ami!  We hope you will join us for our first Social Action event, Reverse Tashlich-Repair the Seas at Ben T. Davis Beach on Sunday, September 10th at 9:00 am. This is a family event that our school will be participating in.  Please click the link to register your family and help us Repair the Sea!

We hope to see all our families with young children at our Pizza and PJ Shabbat on Friday, September 8th at 5:30 pm for some playing, praying, and pizza with Rabbi Blatt and Todah, the Shabbat Sloth!  Please RSVP for this event at!  See you there!

Who could forget that the High Holidays are approaching? We are looking forward to seeing all our families.  Please check out the Kol Ami website for times for all our Youth Services.  If you need babysitting for your 18 month-2nd graders, please click the link below to register to save your spot.  We want to make sure to have enough babysitters for all our families’ needs. It’s going to be a MAGICAL New Year!

Wishing everyone a very Sweet New Year,

Jennifer Halls
Education Director

Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784