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03/02/2023 08:50:26 AM


Jennifer Halls, Education Director

Shalom Kol Ami!

Who has started Pesach Prep?!?! Just kidding, we have a few more weeks before we start our Chametz hunt!  This month, we are getting ready for the reading of the Book of Esther, groggers, costumes, and wait for it...the CARNIVAL! But first, let’s recap last month’s exciting programming.

We started the month off with a fun nature walk at Lettuce Lake Park to celebrate Tu Bishvat.  Rabbi Blatt led us on a tour of the boardwalk at the park and reminded us what our responsibilities are as Jews to the environment. It was a beautiful day to be at a park and have lunch with our Kol Ami family.

Our 3rd-5th graders led us in Friday night services on February 10th. A huge thank you to their teachers Ms. Beth and Ms. Alissa for prepping them for this fun night! Next up are our adorable PreK-2nd graders leading us in our Pizza and PJ Shabbat on March 31st.  We can’t wait to see what Ms. Jen has planned for us!

The World Wide Wrap program with our Brotherhood was well-attended. Thank you to Craig Kalter, Rabbi Marc and Rabbi Blatt for teaching us about the mitzvah of Tefillin! Our school was able to learn about what was inside the Tefillin boxes and ask questions about their purpose.  When they finished learning with the Minyanaires, we “wrapped” Foot By The Foot led by Mx. MK during our Chug classes.  It was a fun and sticky day!

Todah, the Shabbat Sloth, showed us how to cut hair!  We had a fun traditional Upshernish! On a child’s third Jewish birthday, friends and community members are invited to a festive haircutting ceremony.  Mazel tov to Eliezer and his family! We continue to have a fantastic turnout and look forward to this month’s Pizza and PJ Shabbat on March 31st!  We hope you can join us in your PJs for some eating, praying, and tons of fun!

We are now in full Purim mode!  We always need volunteers for our Hamantaschen baking with Sisterhood, so check your email for date and times!  Thank you to Sharon Cross and Sisterhood for organizing. Thank you to those who have already donated items for this program,  We still need a few more.  Please feel free to donate items needed to make this event a success.  (Click the flyer for a list of donations)

Our Purim Carnival will take place on Monday, March 6th beginning at 5pm.  Make sure that you register in advance and buy your game and food tickets too!  I can’t wait to see all the costumes and hear all the groggers during the Megillah reading!  Come on out for lots of games, a bounce house, face painting, and food!  (Don’t forget the Hamentaschen!!) (Click the flyer for more information)

We have Spring Break this month, so we will not have religious school March 12th - March 19th.  We will return on Wednesday, March 22nd on Zoom and Sunday, March 26th in person! Our next Beginyan (Jr. Congregation) for our 2nd-5th grade students will take place on March 25th led by Ms. Alissa!  We hope to see many of our students come for some learning, debating, and lots of fun! 

Please check out the website and calendar for all the fun programming we have for all ages!

See you around the Shul,

Jennifer Halls


Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784