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06/13/2023 09:57:35 PM


Sharon Cross, Sisterhood President

Sisterhood just enjoyed a fabulous Torah Fund Brunch and Installation event. We were graced by having Jeanette Brownstein, President of the Florida Region of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, lead our installation ceremony. And Nancy Goldstein, Torah Fund Vice President of the Florida Region of Women’s League, reported to us all the fantastic things that Torah Fund supports and helps to flourish. Our event honored Karen Borden and was enjoyed by many of our Congregation’s members.

Donations to Torah Fund enable the five Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher education to provide programs, scholarships and services to their students -- our future Conservative/Masorti rabbis, cantors, teachers and lay leaders. Torah Fund supports:

•              The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York

•              Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles

•              Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

•              Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires

•              Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam, Germany.

Beyond helping fund these five global Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher education, Torah Fund helps ensure the continuity of Conservative/Masorti Jewish education and the traditions and perpetuity of the Jewish people. Your steadfast commitment to Torah Fund inspires others to give and demonstrates your devotion to the future of the Jewish people.

We are looking forward to having many new and returning Torah Fund benefactors for the New Year. If you wish to become a benefactor of Torah Fund, please contact us at

I would like to thank the many women who were part of my 2022-2023’s Sisterhood Board. Our Sisterhood had a great year of events and activities. And nothing “just happens.” With that in mind, I would like to thank the many women, and husbands, who helped make our events so special. Sisterhood provided Kol Ami with many Shabbat kiddush lunches this year. The preparation, purchasing of food, putting things out, and of course, cleaning up were assisted by many of our members with Staci Cross as our leader in all things related to the kitchen. This is a big job, and everyone benefits when there are many to help make the effort go more smoothly. Thank you to the many who helped in the kitchen this year.

Over the summer, we will begin planning our events for the coming year. The major events are listed on our new pamphlet that you will receive with your High Holiday packet. Please reserve the dates and plan on joining other Sisterhood members for these great events. Have a wonderful summer, and see you in the fall!



Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784