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04/20/2023 11:25:38 AM


Sharon Cross, Sisterhood President

My first time to Israel was in the Spring of 1999. We were on a tour in Jerusalem on Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day. At 11AM, a siren went off, and everything stopped. I mean, it really stopped. Cars in the middle of the road stopped. People walking stopped. Talking stopped. Everyone and everything stopped for a moment of silence in remembrance of those soldiers lost in war fighting for Israel and for victims of terrorism. It was a country that stopped to remember the enormity of fallen soldiers and citizens, the loss to Jewry and to the world of the talent, scholarship, scientific and intellectual contributions of those no longer with us and of the descendants never to be born. And then, the next day, a totally different environment. It was Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel Independence Day. The joy, the celebrating, the singing and dancing!  Everyone was in the streets celebrating the birth of their country. The miracle of a people returning to their homeland after 2,000 years of exile and wandering is without precedent. For a people who had been suppressed by 2,000 years of expulsions, inquisitions, persecutions and pogroms to recreate an entire culture is amazing. For a people decimated by the horrors of the Holocaust to create a democratic state that is a source of light for the nations of the world, a pioneer in the fields of science, agriculture, and literature is incredible. It is something the whole world should remember.

The Kol Ami group that will soon be traveling with Rabbi Blatt to Israel, should experience these two days while there. And we here in Tampa can also experience these days, with the many events taking place for the celebration of the 75th Anniversary for Israel Independence Day. These events will take place with the Tampa JCC and Federation on Sunday, April 30th at the Bryan Glazer Family JCC beginning at 4PM and running into the evening. We should all celebrate together!

Sisterhood will be celebrating our Annual Torah Fund event on June 4th. At this event, our Torah Fund Honoree will be Karen Borden. Karen has been the Financial Secretary for Sisterhood for many years. Next year, in addition to this job, she will also be taking on the role of Programming Vice President. Karen has contributed to and participated in many aspects of Sisterhood. We say Yashar Koach to Karen! And we hope you will join us as we honor Karen and acknowledge our Torah Fund Benefactors for the past year.


Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784